red decor

Making it Fun for the Family Decorating Prelit Christmas Trees

If you find that decorating your prelit Christmas trees is not as fun of an alone activity, you may want the entire family to get involved in the decorating portion of this tree. This is a fun family activity that you can all get in on. It helps everyone to feel the Christmas spirit, while also being a way for everyone to just enjoy one another’s company. With this being said, how can you make decorating your prelit Christmas trees fun for the entire family? We have a few ideas that you may want to do, and you may find that they become a Christmas tradition that you carry out for many years to come.

The Ultimate Family Bonding Activity

1. While decorating your prelit Christmas trees, be sure that you have some Christmas goodies to snack on while doing this. The kids are going to love it! Get some cookies, brownies and whatever it is that they love. Plus, it can give you a bit of energy to keep up with decorating!

2. Play some kid friendly Christmas tunes in the background. You will find that this is a great idea for little ones. While they may dance around more than help with decorating, it is still something that they are going to remember for years to come and will probably do the same for their kids when they get older.

3. Turn on a family friendly movie to play in the background. Let everyone talk and laugh about what is going on, and decorate at the same time. While you may get side tracked, remember there is not a time clock on how fast you have to get this tree decorated!

4. Let everyone have some say in how these prelit Christmas trees are going to be decorated. There is no better way to get someone involved than if they have some say so in what you are decorating with. If you find that it is getting too difficult to make a decision, then consider miniature trees for the kids so that they can decorate these however their heart wants!

5. Make this something that the family knows that they will do each year. It makes it easier if this is expected. You will find that as kids get older, it may be harder to get them involved, but you can do it.

Decorating a tree can be hard work, but when everyone pitches in, it becomes something that you become excited about since it is quality family time.