Hanging Artificial Christmas Wreaths and Garlands Without A Nail And Hammer

Hanging Artificial Christmas Wreaths and Garlands Without A Nail And Hammer

When it comes to decorating for Christmas, there are many people who swear by artificial Christmas wreaths and garlands. And they would be right! These artificial Christmas wreaths and garlands add so much to the decor inside your home, and when bundled with an amazing tree, you are going to find that your entire home reeks of Christmas spirit. However, not everyone wants to use a nail and hammer to get their artificial Christmas wreaths and garlands secured — and we get it. So here are some non-nail and hammer methods for doing this!

Hooks that are Adhesive

An incredible instrument for hanging artificial Christmas wreaths and garlands are cement snares like Order Strips. They give the strength expected to hold your wreath or festoon while not making any imprints. If necessary, they can be taken out and repositioned to get the look you need. With clear cement snares, you can drape wreaths on your windows or glass entryways without seeing any snares.

The most effective method to Use: Before you start, completely clean the region where you anticipate putting your wreath or laurel. Adhering to the directions on the snares you have, put them on the wall or entryway. When the glue snares are secure, essentially balance the wreath on the snare.

“Over The Entryway Wreath Holders”

Christmas wreaths are an incredible method for inviting your visitors into your home. A straightforward method for balancing your wreath on any entryway is with over-the-entryway wreath holders. Most of these holders fit standard entryways and some are planned with metal casings to help heavier wreaths. Contingent upon how you like to enrich, you might find the flexible holders better for you. They let you change the level of your wreath show.

The most effective method to utilize: Spot the wreath holder over your entryway and balance your wreath from the snare.


Ribbon can fill different needs during special times of the year. Besides the fact that it can bring a beautifying contact to your home, it can likewise help secure your wreaths. With a wide selection to look over, you can track down ribbon that suits your improving style.

The most effective method to utilize: Circle one finish of the strip through the focal point of the wreath, then tie the two closures of the ribbon. Utilize a snare or handle to balance your wreaths from the lace.

Garland Holders

Everybody needs to make an excellent entry for these special seasons. Painstakingly hung garland over an entryway accomplishes this sensational look with the assistance of garland holders. Utilizing spring pressure, there’s definitely no requirement for nails. Coming in numerous sizes, you can track down the one that accommodates your entryway.

The most effective method to utilize: Essentially mount it around your entryway. Change it on a case-by-case basis. Then, wrap your garland as you would prefer.

So, which method will you be using for your artificial Christmas wreaths and garlands this year?