red ball

Everyday Items That Make Great Christmas Ornaments

One of the historical ways in which Christmas trees were once decorated was with items that were laying around the house that people could make into something. For those who want to go with this tradition they are going to find that there are tons of items throughout your home that you can easily turn into great Christmas ornaments that you will love hanging on your tree. It is a great way to show your creativity and be frugal at the same time!

Yes, You Can Hang These Everyday Items on Your Christmas Tree!

– Do you have popcorn in your home? Pop some of this and then use string and make your own popcorn garland. If you want to add color, you can even dye popcorn with red or green to string onto the tree for something that is a bit different.

– Do you have some pine cones in your yard? Go out and pick these up and add these to your tree!

– Take some initiative and make some ornaments out of fruit to hang onto these trees. You will find that citrus fruits cut very thin and then baked for a while can make some great colored ornaments onto the tree that are easy to do.

– You can even string cranberries with popcorn on this tree for some garland.

You will find that you can make tons of things that you can turn into ornaments. With a little glitter, some paper, glue and scissors you can make snowflakes that you can hang on your tree and throughout the home! With a little creativity, looking around your own home and sometimes, you can make your tree something that is so personally themed that you may get requests from people about how you made this work and wanting advice on how to make their own tree that much better!